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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a constellation of technologies from machine learning to natural language processing that allows machines to sense, comprehend, act and learn. Artificial intelligence will transform the relationship between people and technology, charging our creativity and skills. The future of AI promises a new era of disruption and productivity, where human ingenuity is enhanced by speed and precision. We specialize in processing algorithms and machine learning in the fields of video analytics, big data and clouds.

We are in jointly participation with our partner based on Open Standard in Cloud based application for energy optimization.   We developed soft approach interfaces to the industrial gateways using Industrial 4.0 protocols such as Modbus and SNMP with the relevant approved renown brand of rectifiers.  Our sustainable solution include generator, solar and security. Our team solution include monitoring, load optimization, peak shaving, battery optimization and controls.  With our contribution and industrial recognition, our organization is shortlisted as the coming  2020 SICC Awards: Celebrating Collaborative Innovation with our partner.

​Our Artificial Intelligence field

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Processing Algorithms

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Machine Learning

Video Analytics

Big Data


Thermal Temperature Monitoring Module

Our contract management services with our partner PENSEES work together to fight Covid-19 using Intelligent FR Access Control System with an Integrated Thermal Temperature Monitoring Module.
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